Contact –
Kevin Campbell, GOBHI CEO –
Tammy Dennee, GOBHI Communications Director – 541-980-6887
Jonathan Nicholas, ODS
Community Health, Inc. (ODS Health) Vice President – 503-219-3673
Eastern Oregon Coordinated Care Organization receives provisional certification
to pursue formation for twelve rural counties
Pendleton, Oregon – The
Oregon Health Authority has granted provisional certification to the Eastern
Oregon Coordinated Care Organization (EOCCO) to form a Coordinated Care
Organization encompassing twelve of Oregon’s rural counties including Wheeler,
Gilliam, Sherman, Morrow, Umatilla, Lake, Harney, Grant, Union, Malheur,
Wallowa and Baker.
ODS Community Health, Inc. (ODS Health), the partners forming the EOCCO, are
pleased to receive this provisional certification and now undergo preparations
for the next phase of the process which involves a “Readiness Review.” The Readiness Review will require the EOCCO demonstrate
engagement with providers and hospitals in the twelve county service area’s
healthcare communities and how that engagement has resulted in policies and
procedures that will shape how care is provided to all Oregon Health Plan
members in the service area. The twelve
county area spans more than 50,000 square miles and is home to approximately
36,000 Oregon Health Plan members.
Upon final
approval, the EOCCO will begin providing service on September 1, 2012.
“The EOCCO will provide a different way of
providing care for members in the Oregon Health Plan,” said Sean Jessup, ODS
Health Medicare and Medicaid Programs Manager. “By forming the EOCCO, both ODS
Health and GOBHI will work within the service area to bring new models of care
that are patient-centered and team-focused.” In addition, the EOCCO will be
governed by a partnership among local healthcare providers and community members.
Kevin Campbell, GOBHI CEO, stated the EOCCO is committed to
delivering better care in Eastern Oregon. “Our commitment is providing better
care, with better outcomes,” said Campbell. “When we achieve better care and
outcomes, we also achieve savings for these Eastern Oregon communities.” Once
savings are achieved, each Eastern Oregon community will be able to determine
how to reinvest those savings back in their communities for continued
GOBHI has a 15-year history as a mental health organization with a
proven track record of serving the patient efficiently and effectively. Campbell
stated, “Oregonians who choose to reside in rural communities deserve quality
healthcare that addresses all needs of the patient starting with quality
prenatal care. Patients who receive
regular care are ultimately in better health and require less healthcare in the
emergency room setting. The bottom line is investing in the less expensive care
results in savings for the long-term.”
ODS Health has been serving Oregonians for more than 55 years. ODS
Health has been nationally recognized by the National Committee for Quality
Assurance (NCQA) for the quality of their Oregon PPO plan, achieving an
accreditation status of commendable. ODS
plans to bring that same focus on patient quality to the EOCCO partnership.
The EOCCO is in the process of securing members of the Community Advisory
Committees. If you are interested in
participating in a Community Advisory Committee, please contact GOBHI at (541)
298-2101. Additional information
regarding the formation of Coordinated Care Organizations in Oregon is
available on line at
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